Coaching Cross Country was a very thrilling experience. Not just because my teams did well but it was really the feeling of community. In Cross Country unlike other sports, every individual has to do well in order for the team to win. If you finish First, Second or Third and the others decide not to run with passion and finish last; the team will suffer. SO each team member has to be passionate about finishing well. The team has to congratulate each other because a person without passion for the race will mess up the reward for the team. In order for us to run our spiritual race effectively I can't just be concerned about me. I have to lift others up in prayer. The bible says The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16b. Im praying for you fervently to finish this fast better stronger and wiser than you entered it.
Fervency speaks of our level of intensity, passion and persistence. Many times, we can lose our passion in prayer or stop praying for certain things altogether because we lose heart or give up. But God invites us to keep them before Him and trust Him for an answer in His time. (Matthew 7:7-11)Remember Elijah in 1 Kings 17:17-24, he kept praying. Verse 22 reads, “then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came back to him, and he revived.” God honored Elijah’s obedience and fervent prayers and brought the boy to life. God hears your prayers as well and will bring an answer in His perfect timing. But don’t be discouraged or disheartened if the answer is not exactly what you expected. If the YES you seek hasn’t come yet, don’t lose fervor! Keep praying! Sometimes God says no, but sometimes God says wait. Commit to keep praying to God with passion and persistence, trusting the answer will come in God’s perfect way and in His perfect timing.
Think back over some past victories and write them down to rejoice in this season. As we close out this last week, continue to pray fervently for the main areas of concern in your life. Trust God to give Joy as you wait on an answer. Journal your victories at this time.